Saturday, December 28, 2019

Critically assess Wildavskys theory of the two presidencies Free Essay Example, 3750 words

Merril explains that their relationship rests wth their capcity to deifne aspects such as the national identity of Americans. Merril writes that â€Å"foreign policy plays a profoundly significant role in the process of creating, affirming, and discipling conceptions of national identity† (2009, p. 13). In essence, Merril explains that foreign policy and domestic together function to impact on the perception of Americans on issues concerning national identity. An example is the way the politics of national security has unfolded especially after the September 11 attacks on U. S. soil. The perception of the American citizen was awakened by the extent to which U. S. foreign policy greatly contributed to national security. The realities of the 9/11 attacks perhaps reminded most policy makers of what had been mentioned by former American Predident Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson oulined that the objective of foreign policy was to consolidate the objectives of the domestic policies from a broader perspective (McCormick, 2010, p. 11). The general realization is that the objectives of domestic policies could not be made effectively when there were non-functional or weak foreign policies. The situation has even become more compounded by globalization and the concept of global village. We will write a custom essay sample on Critically assess Wildavskys theory of the two presidencies or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now An issue like immigration laws affect both foreign and domestic policies because they define the acceptance by Americans of people from foreign countries and the impact these people will have on America’s domestic issues. Initially, the United Stats had preferred an isolationism policy where the leadership of the country concentrated on developing the country while contributing minimally to glbal politics. According to Kaufman (2010, p. 57), the period between the end of 1st World War and the 2nd World War was marked by America’s withdrawal from active international politics. Furthermore, during this period the nation implemented strict immigration policies to regulate the number of people that moved into the country. However, being a country that was very significant in world politics the United States as pulled into what came to be 2nd World War that led to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by U. S. in 1945. The extent to which foreign and domestic policies interplay is therefore dependent on a number of factors some of which are beyond the control of presidents. However, one must still agree that the president is the major implementor of these policies because they represent his values and ambitions as the custodian of the American beliefs and democracy.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Women Of The United States Armed Forces - 1213 Words

Women are vital to the stability and efficiency of all branches of the United States armed forces. Although women’s presence may be necessary to the operation of the military, their placement in combat positions would prove to be a devastating mistake. The body of a woman is not made to brave combat positions, and placing women into positions dominated by men could create a hostile working environment. The atmosphere of battle is already heated, and placing more problems into the equation could lead to the unraveling of military effectiveness as the country knows it. Consequently, women should continued to be excluded from combat oriented positions in order to preserve the superb work of the United States armed forces. Placing a woman into a field comprised mostly of men would upset a balance of unit cohesion and morale among their male counterparts. Unit cohesion â€Å"result[s] from proximity of group members over time; social similarities or commonalities; success at joint tasks; and concerned, competent, honest leaders† (Simons). This means that the individuals that comprise a combat unit must be able to relate to each other, and work together in positive and constructive ways in order to carry out dangerous, high-risk missions. During combat operations, soldiers and their units are confined to small spaces for extended periods of time. The addition of women into this close quartered group would add â€Å"romantic and sexual elements that can cause competition, jealousy, andShow MoreRelatedEqual Opportunity in United States Armed Forces: Minorities and Women785 Words   |  4 PagesEqual Opportunity in United States Armed Forces with a particular emphasis on Minorities and Women in the Military. The United States Armed Forces has the most diverse labor force in the World. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Marketing and Management at Grupo Mexico

Question: Discuss about the Marketing and Management at Grupo Mexico. Answer: Management at Grupo Mexico decides to focus on market opportunities opened up by NAFTA. What management orientation does this reflect? Ethnocentric Polycentric Regiocentric Geocentric Grupo Mexico understands the significance of diversity and the management view opportunities by the global scale. Interestingly, it focuses on the approach or ways that business activities are undertaken in a particular country depending on the standard of communication. In fact, the company applies geocentricity by hiring mix people from various locations depending on their skills than the home country. The geocentric approach has made the conglomerate competitive. In much of Europe, the telecommunications industry is experiencing both deregulation and privatization. Which of the driving forces behind global marketing does this represent: National differences Myopia Economic trends Technology The increased internationalization rate has increased the exposure to trade between countries. At the start of the globalization period, the advanced economies increased trade openness. The impact of increased trade is evident in the marketization and privatization of state corporations. With the rapid technological changes, the former natural monopolies have diminished as the changes have promoted international competition. World Bank (2005) acknowledged the advent of cell phones, satellites, and the internets have made communication and trade effective thus defining the global marketing. Which of the following industries is characterized by product development cycles of 5-10 years and product development costs in excess****** $******million: Semiconductors Furniture Pharmaceuticals Soft drinks Automobiles The lifecycle of branded medicines would span beyond twenty years as the research and development may last for 5-10 years before commercialization (Ciociola, 2014). A "quick and dirty" method that can serve as a rule of thumb to help marketers compare the relative values of currencies is to check the price of a ________ in different countries. Big Mac Snickers bar Can of Coke Pack of Marlboros Liter of gasoline The Big Mac index is the global exchange rates that the marketer can use to compare whether a currency is valued at the correct level. According to D.H and R.L.W. (2016), this index depends on purchasing-power-parity theory. In most cases, the base currency that is used to determine the value of another currency is the U.S dollar. Which of the following statements is correct: Japan and the United States both have a balance of payments deficit Japan and the United States both have a balance of payments surplus Japan has a balance of payments deficit; the United States has a balance of payments surplus Japan has a balance of payments surplus; the United States has a balance of payments deficit Since the 1980s, the U.S has continuously reported deficits in its current accounts due to the ballooning budget deficits that has ensured its currency remains high while making its industries weakly competitive. On the other hand, Japan has reported continuous surpluses on its current accounts as reflected in a high competitiveness of its industries and a weak yen. With massive capital exports, Japan has prevented its currency from appreciating (Eurostat, 2016). Vietnam is the newest member of ASEAN. True False The ASEAN was incepted in 1967 by five member countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines with the intention of promoting economic and political integration and regional stability. Vietnam joined this bloc in 1995 as the seventh member, while the tenth member of this economic bloc is Cambodia that obtained membership in 1999 as reported by the U.S Department of State (n.d.). Antigua, the Bahamas, St. Lucia, and Jamaica are all members of CARICOM. True False The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has twenty countries with full membership standing at fifteen while Associate Members are standing at five. Apart from the listed members, other members include Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Haiti, Trinidad Tobago, Suriname, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitt and Nevis, and St Vincent the Grenadines. If one were to apply Hofstede's concepts of social values to an analysis of Japan, one would conclude that: Individualism and masculine values are culturally predominant Collectivism and feminine values are culturally predominant Individualism and feminine values are culturally predominant Collectivism and masculine values are culturally predominant Japan is a masculine society that emphasizes assertiveness, competitiveness, and excellence. This countrys national culture is founded on moderate power-distance, a high long-term orientation, very strong masculinity, and moderate individualism. It also characterizes very high uncertainty avoidance. Relative advantage, communicability, and divisibility are all aspects of: Hofstedes social values framework Lees SRC framework Ritzers McDonaldization thesis Rogers diffusion theory Halls low- and high-context culture framework The McDonalds model focuses on efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control and it involves rationalization. According to Ritzer (1998), the McDonaldization process breaks tasks into smaller components until it has been broken down to a minimum thus find the best strategy to accomplish the work efficiently. A U.S. company is exempt from the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act if a host-country citizen serving as an agent for the company pays a bribe to a government official in the host country. True False This law is supposed to illegalize companies and supervisors or managers from influencing foreign officials with any personal rewards and payments. In fact, this law applies to everyone with a certain degree of links to the U.S and participates in foreign corrupt practices. Based on this nationality principle, the official engages in such unethical activity may face prison (Luthans Doh, 2014). Mexico, Italy, and Canada are among the many countries supporting the U.S. trade embargo of Cuba. True False These three countries are among the strongest U.S allies, but they are among the leading contributors of tourists to Cuba as identified by Spielmann (2013). They have thus opposed the embargo against Cuba as applied the United States (Ramos, 2015). References Ciociola, A.A. et al. (2014). How drugs are developed and approved by the FDA: current process and future directions. American Journal of Gastroenterol, 109 (5), 620-623. D.H R.L.W. (2016, Jul 21). The Big Mac index. The Economist. Retrieved from Eurostat. (2016). Balance of payment statistics. Retrieved from Luthans, F. Doh, J. (2014). International management culture, strategy, and behavior, (9th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Ritzer, G. (1998). The McDonaldization thesis: Explorations and extensions. London: Sage. Spielmann, P. J. (2013, Oct 29). UN General Assembly votes against US Cuba embargo. Associated Press. Retrieved from U.S Department of State. (n.d). Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Retrieved from World Bank. (2005). Economic growth in the 1990s: Learning from a decade of reform. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Principles of Business Analytics

Question: What is the meaning of decision making. Answer: Introduction The decision making is one of the most basic cognitive procedures of human behaviors. The decision making process is a vital process in personal life as well as vital for professional purpose (Tamir et al. 2015). The decision making component is an important principle of the business analytics. There are widely used decision theories that are widely implemented in the business scenario. In a business scenario, there is a need to perform routine decision making tasks. There is a need to adopt cognitive decision making policies to achieve business success. This report describes the role of human cognition in the decision making process. The second part of the report describes the role of analytics in decision making process. It also discusses the influence of data in the process of decision making. Task 1 Meaning of decision making The process of the selection of a preferred course of action among a set of alternatives or options is known as decision making. The layered model of brain comprises of the fundamental cognitive procedures of decision making (Glscher et al. 2012). There are specific characteristics of the decision making processes such as decision maker, decision situation, and the decision process. The core cognitive features of the human brain are known to share similar characteristics. The three important features of the decision making process include a set of alternatives or choices, decision goals and a list of selection strategies (Glscher et al. 2012). If there is a fulfillment of these three criteria, then the decision making process can be easily carried out by a human being. The consequences of the decision making processes can be estimated from the strategies of decision making used by the decision maker (Elwyn et al. 2012). The different strategies of decision making require a combination of decision selection criteria. It is also important to perform rational decision making for the success of business entities. There is a need to adopt different decision strategies as per the values of the decision makers, attitudes towards risk and the prediction of future outcomes. Human cognition in decision making The intellectual capabilities of the human beings have made it possible for themselves to gain a superior status among all animal species (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi 2014). The presence of intellectual capabilities has allowed the human beings to adapt to a specific environment, and there have been evolving patterns of decision making capabilities. There has been a transformation in the intellectual capabilities of human beings. The intellectual capabilities of human beings have transformed into sophisticated and more specialized skills (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi 2014). The specialized skills include planning, observation, problem solving and coordination. The decision making process works in close collaboration with the problem solving process (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi 2014). The decision making process consists of the analysis, synthesis and the evaluation of the job tasks. The analysis of the job tasks is the first step of the decision making process. Process of decision making The cognitive process of the decision making begins with the detailed analysis of the decision making problem (Croskerry 2013). The objective of the decision making process should be identified, and an initial framework needs to be created. The alternatives should be assessed for the purpose of the formulation of strategies. The alternatives are thoroughly evaluated and the human intellectual capabilities give an idea regarding the best alternative (Croskerry 2013). The best alternatives out of the given choices are selected. The selected best alternative should be evaluated well and checked if it meets the predetermined goals or standards (Croskerry 2013). The decision maker would make sure that the decision meets the current scenario and the personal judgment. If there is a mismatch between the expected outcome and the current outcome, then the decision making process needs to be repeated (Croskerry 2013). The decision making process should be done until a satisfied decision arrive s. Task 2 The phenomenon of human decision making is influenced by rational behavior and does not always follow a fixed course (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi 2014). There are individual differences in the cognitive process, which aids in the decision making process. The role of analytics is immense in the decision making process. The business analytics consists of the study of various patterns of data through operations and statistical analysis and the application of these to customers and the business (Croskerry 2013). The business analytics deals with the technologies, skills and practices for the continuous investigation of the past performances of business so that insights to the business can be gained. The business insights help in the business planning, which in turn helps in the decision making process. Role of Business analytics in business The business analytics play an important role in the business scenario (Holsapple Lee-Post and Pakath 2014). The cognitive analytics is a powerful tool to bridge any gaps between the data structure and the reality of decision making, which is an everyday function of the managers. The data and information is a vital part of the decision making process. The cognitive analytics is an additional part of cognitive computing (Holsapple Lee-Post and Pakath 2014). The cognitive computing comprises of machine learning, language processing, and the related infrastructure. There is a need to massive data processing and the ability to analyze various sources of data. The analysis of data can be essential for gaining business insights and various crucial parameters about the organization. The cognitive analysis depends on the information technology tools to generate the required hypothesis (Holsapple Lee-Post and Pakath 2014). The hypothesis is drawn after the consultation with connecting informa tion sources, which are relevant. Decision making process and the Probability theory The analytical decisions are driven by the organizational data (Power Sharda and Burstein 2015). The use of direct observations, figures, charts, facts are the basis for successful decision making. The decisions cannot be taken on whims and fancies. It should be directly related to the statistical figures and the current situation of the business. The decision makers use surveys, questionnaires and other means for the purpose of data collection (Power Sharda and Burstein 2015). The collected data is tabulated and put into appropriate software, which is suitable for the specific types of data. The tabulated data is then analyzed thoroughly. The decision maker should consider all the pre-determined parameters, before beginning the process of data analysis. The probability theory is an important component in the decision making process (Berger 2013). The managers need to take decisions, which are related to uncertainty. The decisions need to be made on appropriate assumptions. This theo ry helps the manager to deal with investment issues, introduction of a new product, stock decisions, individual investor and others. Techniques of analytics The descriptive and inferential techniques of analytics are important for business (Devore 2015). The descriptive techniques involve the description and summarizing the collected data in a meaningful manner. This technique helps the decision maker to understand the explicit details of the data in a clear manner. The purpose of the descriptive techniques is to present the decision maker with a visual picture of the implications of the data. In the absence of the descriptive techniques, the decision maker would face difficulty in the analysis of the raw, unstructured data. The inferential techniques make use of a limited segment of the data and not the entire data (Kern 2014). The purpose of the inferential techniques allows the decision maker to make generalizations regarding the sample population. The sample should represent the population accurately. The inferential techniques deal with the estimation of parameters and the testing of relevant hypothesis. Conclusion The decision making is a vital part of the human beings. It applies to both the personal as well as professional life. The decision making is not an independent function; rather it is interconnected to other variables like data, information, analytics and others. The efficient decision making would ensure individual success as well as organizational success. References Berger, J.O., 2013.Statistical decision theory and Bayesian analysis. Springer Science Business Media. Croskerry, P., 2013. From mindless to mindful practicecognitive bias and clinical decision making.N Engl J Med,368(26), pp.2445-2448. Devore, J., 2015.Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences. Cengage Learning. Elwyn, G., Frosch, D., Thomson, R., Joseph-Williams, N., Lloyd, A., Kinnersley, P., Cording, E., Tomson, D., Dodd, C., Rollnick, S. and Edwards, A., 2012. Shared decision making: a model for clinical practice.Journal of general internal medicine,27(10), pp.1361-1367. Glscher, J., Adolphs, R., Damasio, H., Bechara, A., Rudrauf, D., Calamia, M., Paul, L.K. and Tranel, D., 2012. Lesion mapping of cognitive control and value-based decision making in the prefrontal cortex.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,109(36), pp.14681-14686. Holsapple, C., Lee-Post, A. and Pakath, R., 2014. A unified foundation for business analytics.Decision Support Systems,64, pp.130-141. Kern, S.E., 2014. Inferential statistics, power estimates, and study design formalities continue to suppress biomedical innovation.arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.0919. Power, D.J., Sharda, R. and Burstein, F., 2015.Decision support systems. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Seligman, M.E. and Csikszentmihalyi, M., 2014.Positive psychology: An introduction(pp. 279-298). Springer Netherlands. Tamir, M., Bigman, Y.E., Rhodes, E., Salerno, J. and Schreier, J., 2015. An expectancy-value model of emotion regulation: Implications for motivation, emotional experience, and decision making.Emotion,15(1), p.90.